
Maxwell Systems Estimation is an advanced estimating program that specializes in generating estimates and takeoff for HVAC, mechanical, and residential and commercial plumbing and electrical firms. We find the software to be a good match for firms that have annual revenue from $1 million up to $1 billion making it a solution your company grow with. In addition to handling the takeoff and estimating capabilities of these trades, the system includes integrated functionality for project and service management. This allows for estimates and takeoffs to be performed while being able to track materials, forecast for projects, and manage service contracts. The estimating application contains functionality for Excel integration, proposal generators, visual assemblies, “what-if” analysis, and a historical database. The estimation module includes trade specific estimation capabilities for each of the trades served to help generate the most accurate and financially feasible estimates possible. The software includes a database updated with the most current prices for materials and labor for each industry. The application for digital takeoff includes functionality for electronic plan takeoff, digitizer integration, a conversion calculator, automatic scaling, and CAD file integration. The digital takeoff application allows for plans to be downloaded from any online plan room and generate takeoffs without the use of digitizer boards and stylus pens. For those that prefer digitizer boards, takeoff can be streamlined the takeoff with their Rollup Digitizer or Rigid Digitizer, which integrate with the system. The Rollup Digitizer is a lightweight digitizer designed by GTCO that was built for the field made to “roll up” into a carrying case. The Rigid Digitzer is their permanent fixture offering that digitizes takeoffs from a more standard digitizer board.


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Rating 5/5
Ease of use 4/5
Microsoft Technology yes
Java Based Yes