Chargify, by Chargify


To correct the error "Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel", update to at least version 1.1.5400.37999 either through the downloads or recommended through nuget. I HIGHLY recommend using nuget as I release changes through there very often. For more information, see the Chargify blog post "Dropping support for SSLv3 - may cause API connection problems". A list of the likely breaking changes that might affect you are listed here: Latest Breaking Changes. Also, if you're still having trouble - make sure you're specifically setting ChargifyConnect.ProtocolType to SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 if possible, to handle fall back to lower TLS. If using .NET 4 or under, just set it to SecurityProtocolType.Tls.


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