Z-Ray, by Zend Technologies


Zend Technologies, a provider of software development tools for PHP developers, has announced the availability of Z-Ray for Magento, a PHP debugging and productivity tool for real-time visibility into Magento applications.Zend said its Z-Ray tool provides in-context visibility inside Magento applications, showing exactly what happens when constructing each page. Z-Ray, included within Zend Server 8, enables developers to detect and fix issues earlier, collaborate with operations staff to quickly resolve production issues, and deliver higher quality applications.Magento is an open-source content management system for e-commerce web sites. Magento employs the MySQL relational database management system, the PHP programming language, and elements of the Zend Framework. “We’re excited to see Zend innovating with the Magento developer in mind,” said Alan Kent, Magento’s chief architect, in a statement. “Z-Ray’s Magento-specific capabilities help developers deliver higher- performing and higher- quality code faster, better delivering on the needs of the ecommerce-backed enterprise.”


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