Sight & Sound Technology

Sight & Sound Technology


Sight and Sound Technology  we strive to provide the best solution and support to improve the lives of those who have a sensory or age related disability.

Life for us began as a specialist computer mainframe maintainer, but we soon became interested in the technology that was developing for those with visual impairment. This was long before the miniaturised personal computers (PCs) that we have today. Computers then were called mainframe computers and filled entire rooms, sometimes football pitch sized rooms.The founders of the day, trekked to the USA, where the leading edge development was being undertaken and soon met the founding fathers of the entire industry. Some names you will not have heard of – Ted Henter, Dean Blazie, but one, you may have Ray Kurzweil.
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Company Products

Kurzweil 1000
Kurzweil 3000