Expertek Systems

Expertek Systems


Expertek Systems  Since our inception in 1992, our vision at Expertek has been to offer wholesale distributors the best information technology products available and to provide the professional services necessary to assure that our clients could leverage those products into a competitive advantage. Today, more than ever, that mission is vital to our clients. The distributor’s IT footprint has exploded.

In years past the IT world consisted of an accounting system that also took orders and tracked inventory. Today, it’s also ecommerce, CRM, electronic trading and banking, warehouse automation, and private trade exchanges.

Managing all this new technology has presented enormous challenges to small and mid-sized supply companies who don’t have big IT staffs or large capital budgets. Several years ago, we recognized this problem and funded initiatives to address it.

Those initiatives came to fruition in 2010, when we rolled out a managed services plan and a system-hosting program to provide distributors an affordable alternative to the high ownership costs of in-house systems.Our relationship with Infor Global Solutions provides us with access to the best distribution software products available.

With nearly $3 billion in sales, Infor has the scale and the bandwidth to provide the full complement of products the modern distribution enterprise needs. As one of only a few Infor Gold partners nationally, we have unique access to their resources, but still manage to provide the local and personal service our clients value.
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