


iGrafx  In the beginning (circa 1991), Ken Carraher and Ed Maddock launched a start-up, AdvanEdge Technologies. Right out of Ken’s very own dining room, they worked together focusing on advanced process management solutions. Good friends with great ideas, Ken and Ed weren’t shy about expressing their opinions with each other (or anyone else within shouting distance) and digging in their heels for what they deemed crucial to turning out best-in-class products.

Usually coming to the same conclusion, the result of such discussions lead to notable advancements in the BPM space, such as Optima!, the world’s first interactive graphical business process simulation tool.

Things were cooking now - fresh on the heels of an office expansion into the living room, a company called Micrografx came knocking with a lot to offer: a nifty, hot selling diagramming tool called FlowCharter, some really knowledgeable folks with great experience in the space, and a sheer force in the marketplace, Armin Trautner, that could help spread the vision around the world.

Fast forward to 1999 and the iGrafx brand was born. Blending the great technology from Optima! with FlowCharter, the team was able to produce the cutting edge modeling product iGrafx FlowCharter and the next generation of process analysis and improvement, iGrafx Process.
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