Cougar Mountain Software

Cougar Mountain Software


Cougar Mountain Software  In 1982, a number of American businesses were struggling amidst a rocky recession. Many faced the battle of starting their businesses in a turbulent economy; one poor financial decision or error could demolish an entire foundation of a promising company. Before computers were a basic household component, Robert Gossett saw the staggering need businesses were experiencing as they fought through the difficult timing for a business start up.

The need was for trustworthy, powerful accounting systems, which would enable businesses to succeed. Recognizing that the hardware and software technologies had the capabilities of solving the financial needs of businesses, Robert’s unique vision addressed the importance for them to make smarter accounting choices. Founded and headquartered in Boise, Idaho, Cougar Mountain Software has advanced and strengthened countless businesses with its sophisticated accounting software. Today, Cougar Mountain Software’s mission is to provide customers with high-value integrated accounting software applications alongside excellent services and customized solutions. While Robert’s original concept has evolved over time alongside technology, the vision has remained the same. Cougar Mountain’s philosophy of business is to help small to medium-sized businesses expand successfully with a solid accounting framework.
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Cougar Mountain Accounting