inContact Inc.

inContact Inc.


inContact Inc.  Is outdated contact center technology preventing you from engaging and supporting your customers.

Don’t wait until a customer tweets about poor service or your team misses its SLA goals. Our cloud solutions help you keep pace with your customers while building memorable and lasting relationships with them.

Multi-channel communications via one universal queue. Give your customers the type of support they want - phone, social media, chat, text, or email and easily manage it from one unified queue.

Powerful solutions that make it easy to treat each customer like a star. Make your customers say “Wow” with innovative software that helps agents treat each customer uniquely while maintaining overall efficiency. Innovative, yet low maintenance, technology. Get flexible, pay-as-you-go, always up-to-date, cloud technology.

Deep industry experience. We’ve been working with contact centers for a long time. We really understand your challenges and built our technology to solve them.Passionate tribe of customers. We’re grateful (and humbled) that our customers have lots of nice things to say about us.
Corporate Office:

Company Products

InContact Workforce Management
InContact VOIP Platform