
MFORMULANET  With professional experience in this market since 1997, initiates your activity in the year of 2005/2006, having as work philosophy to produce with great resulted, supply to the best cost benefit, express the profile of the customer, reach marketing objectives and to value your customers, partners and suppliers.

Analyses of market, challenges and innovative solutions are some of the used instruments to search the best one resulted for our customers.CEO and founder of MFORMULANET, formed in Foreign Trade at FMU - United Metropolitan Colleges (São Paulo, SP), possesses professional experience since 1997 and gained knowledge in graphic design, web design, print and online advertising, hosting it, support and customer service, programming, database administration, server management and security, planning, management, development and sale project it.

Some of the qualities and interests are self-taught, business management, business development, market analysis and trends, strategic planning, planning, projections and analysis of indicators for decision making, implementation of improvements, projections and expectations of market growth, understanding and improvement projects, teamwork, provide solutions, it is flexible enough to adapt to new technologies and environments.

Since the age of 12 worked in large companies in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and also lived and worked in Tokyo, Japan. Understood the basics of Japanese, the basics of speaking Spanish, English for business and Portuguese fluently.
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